Harris in 2007: We Could ‘Walk’ Into Legal Gun Owners’ Homes for Storage Checks “We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community…”

19 Sep from BamaCarry Inc.

As San Francisco’s district attorney, Kamala Harris helped enact a gun law allowing police to visit a legal gun owner’s home and monitor their gun storage situation.

Harris told reporters in May 2007:

We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your Then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law a few months later.

The officials included “other gun control provisions, including a new requirement for legal gun distributors to submit an inventory to the chief of police every six months, and a ban on possessing guns – even legally – in public housing.”

Newsom boasted: “San Francisco now has the strictest anti-gun laws in the county.”Harris described the legislation:

During the May 2007 press conference discussing the safe-storage bill, Harris said the new measure was about legislating “our values” in an attempt to “encourage certain kinds of behavior.”

“When we create laws, it’s not only about creating an opportunity, if you will, to prosecute someone for committing a crime, but more importantly, when we legislate our values, it’s about trying to encourage certain types of behavior,” she said at the time.
At the debate, Harris claimed she owned guns to sound more moderate about gun policies despite previously saying her “values have not changed.”
In 2019, during her brief presidential run, Harris called mandatory gun buybacks a “good idea.”

We’ve seen her VP and personal X accounts call for a ban on “assault weapons,” which we know is code for non-handguns.

I dare her to even try to take my AR. As a handicapped woman, the AR is perfect.

Actually, it’s a perfect gun for any female. It’s light with little recoil, allowing for perfect aim and precision shooting.