Good morning Patriots, this Wednesday the 19th there will be 3 bills in committee in Montgomery.
HB103- criminal penalties against parent or legal guardian when a minor unlawfully possesses a firearm on school property as a result of not having it secured properly.
Room 206 @9:00am Public Safety and Homeland Security
Russell Bedsole (334)
261-0491 russell.bedsole@alhouse.govRon Bolton (334)
261-0403 ronaldbolton1@alhouse.govChris England (334)
261-0503 cengland1@hotmail.comTracy Estes (334)
261-0434 jtracyestes@gmail.comJennifer Fidler (334)
261-0409 jennifer.fidler@alhouse.govJeremy Gray (334)
261-9505 jeremy.gray@alhouse.govCorey Harbison (334)
261-0578 corey_harbison@yahoo.comThomas Jackson (334)
261-0437 jthomase68@hotmail.comTashina Morris (334)
261-0597 tashinamorris1@yahoo.comPhillip Pettus (334)
261-0591 phillip.pettus@alhouse.govGinny Shaver (334)
261-0413 ginny.shaver@alhouse.govJerry Starnes (334)
261-0499 jerry.starnes@alhouse.govShane Stringer (334)
261-0594 shane.stringer@alhouse.govAllen Treadaway (334)
261-0585 (chairman)
Tim Wadsworth (205)
300-4008 wadsworth.tim654321@gamail.comHB58- penalty for failure to inform
Room 206 @1:30 House Judiciary Committee
Cynthia Almond (334)
261-0558 cynthia.almond@alhouse.govRussell Bedsole (334)
261-0491 russell.bedsole@alhouse.govBryan Brinyark (334)261-0482 Prince Chestnut (334)
261-0598 chestnut4house@gmail.comChris England(334)
261-0503 cengland1@hotmail.comDavid Faulkner (334)
261-0442 David@davidfaulkner46.comJim Hill (chairman)(334)
261-0494 Patrice McClammy (334)
261-0580 patrice.mcclammy@alhouse.govPhillip Pettus (334)
261-0591 phillip.pettus@alhouse.govBen Robbins (334)
261-0477 ben.robbins@alhouse.govMatt Simpson (334)
261-0424 MattSimpsonAl96@gmail.comJerry Starnes (334)
261-0449 jerry.starnes@alhouse.govShane Stringer (334)
261-0594 shane.stringer@alhouse.govOntario Tillman (334)
261-0529 ojtillman@gmail.comTim Wadsworth (vice chairman)(205)
300-4008 wadsworth.tim654321@gmail.comHB73- penalty for the possession of a trigger activator
Jefferson County only : call your local legislature to voice your concerns.
If possible show up at the Statehouse Wednesday, numbers makes difference. Please call and email these committee members and make our voices heard!